Hello HAVENERS! Me once again! Sorry about the vague details on the ORIGAMI CRANES project…in all honestly, when I posted those, it was unclear to me as well on how we gonna make it a success…but thanks to all your interest/and queries (and help of the ORGANIZER @ twitterverse), slowly but surely, the project is now going on its right direction. Details as follows:
1. PROJECT NAME: GOODLUCK YAI 2011 Origami Cranes PROJECT (see Mooday Hangover for more crane details).
2. OUR AIM: 1000 origami (see Moonday Hangover post for the reason why).
3. Participants : All YAI lovers & Haveners worldwide .
Here are the names so far who’s in charge of collecting:
- 1. YAIHaveners Manila (Philippines) – janjher@twitter (
- 2. YAIHaveners Indonesia –ailave@twitter (Email :
- 3. Malaysia – Wida Hidayah (email: thanx Wida for volunteering, Malaysian Haveners please contact Wida, Thanks!
- 4. Thailand -bluesherbet103@twitter
- 5. US – Email: twitter: tinysunbl
- 6. China-???
- 7. Korea-Ancientkingdom (
- 8. Europe-Lapsus (Email : & Twitter : RedsEmergence)
- 9. Other part of the world-???
NOTE : As suggested by LEE_RAIGIE, guys would you mind putting your Name and Location on the comment section so we will know how many are joining?
4. Colors & Sizes – Any color or sizes (see previous post for color guide and meaning)
5. What to write/send: Aside for the 1k origami cranes
- A short massage for our MASTERSIk fo 2011 with your name & location.(individual message)
- A local delicacies or any gift you want to give him (ex: socks, books etc)-Can be group of individual gift/s
6. Where to send
#####Hear yeah! Hear yeah…####
Ancientkingdom (bless her) have agreed to collect all out cranes, and she will send directly to our #mastersik! She will pack all our cranes to one lovely container…we can all share the cost (for the container)… is it ok with you guys?
For those not sure where to send your ORIGAMI Crane, email here : ANCIENTKINGDOM @
7. Deadline : 2nd week of February ( Around Feb 7-13?)
Fighting! All for one, one for All!
Thank you so much! We can do it! Fighting!!!!
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