Seeksik ONLINE!!!!!! that’s the magic words @twitter and haveners will be on a panic mode! Who wouldn’t our young master Sik share some goodies! YAY!
First, he twitted this (Translated by fascinatedwithU @twitter aka Stacy one of our KTranslator -thanks dear, even though your busy today you still share your translations! BIG haveners Hug! )
Feb 23. Twit : 젯진너므느무넘흐잘봤어 ㅎㅎ 트위터로 누나의 곤욕의 나날들 지켜보며 안타까워하고 있어 힘내세요!!!!!알라뷰
Translation : ”I really really really enjoyed Z-zine Magazine. haha~ I’ve been disappointed at seeing your (Jo Sun hee’s) days with trouble on Twitter. Take it easy!!!!
I love you. (My bad! I post wrong translation earlier, sorry Stacy, updated as per advise-Asha)
Feb. 18 Twits to the Z-Zine Photographer i think: @aliceinstyle 나는 늙은이인가봐
Translation : “I really enjoyed Z-ZIN Magazine. haha~ .” (This is his twit message to the photographer, Jo Sun hee.)
(correction : Jo Sun hee is a fashion director of a magazine, Esquire not a photographer, thanks Stacy for the correction -Asha )