Goodluck Yoo Ah In 2011 Origami Cranes Project update
Last January 11, we have launch our First Haveners Global Project called “Goodluck YAI Origami Cranes Project” as our way of wishing Yoo Ah In goodluck and also to let him know of our “HAVEN’s” existence. Our aim was to send 1000 Origami Cranes to our YAI before the release of his latest movie, but because of the enthusiastic response from YAI lovers worldwide (in which we are truly grateful) the 1k aim somehow became 1k per country project!
Its been a week since the deadline of collection, are you curious guys? The good news is…it was a success! Here are the pictures! Enjoy!!!! ![:D](
First is from Thailand! I think they’re one of the first to finished the 1k Origami cranes. This picture was shared by Thailand Coordinator, Bluesherbet103.
And they meet-up too! Must be nice, can you share how was it? ![:D](
The handmade papier-mache artwork of Goel-Oh was so cute! It must be hard making those! I can tell that this one was really labor of love.
For Europe, as per Redemergence aka Lapsus , it became just French Haveners. But regardless, they’re able to finished the 1k Origami Cranes. Here are the pictures of the tinywiny cutie cranes with their equally cute creator ^_^
For China, according to Mathed2001, they already send the cranes to Unnie AncientK Kingdom (dear AK, thanks for sharing the pictures!).
Fo Canada, I was really impressed with her innovation and hard work! Our Canadian Havener is only one and she’s able to fold 1k Origami crane by herself! Here are the cranes! So pretty and unique.
She also included this wonderful deviant art as a gift to our YAI… isn’t she sweet?
(You can see her artwork here : raindrops.devaiantart )
For, Malaysia, Wida , our resident lovepotion witch (kidding, she’s studying Chemical Engineering I believe, and some of the Haveners @ twitterverse are asking loveportion for our Mastersik! LOL ). Anyway, back to the cranes, she shared this wonderful cranes & gifts for our YAI.
I simply adore the lamp with the cigarette! Sooooooo cute! Want one too!
Indonesian Haveners, have completed their origami cranes as well. They send goodies, souvenirs & of course the letters and cranes! Here are some of the pictures I gathered from them so far.
Yummy foodies & souvenirs!
Edit : Additional gifts from our Indonesian Haveners ( all are so preeetey! And the SikKresna! Nice, Indo haveners! Daebak!)
For Philippines Haveners, well we have done shopping & meet-up last Feb. 12, and we have bought him some wonderful souvenirs!
P.S. Since PH Cranes not ready yet, i will just share my own tini winnie cranes…will update the post once the PH package is ready.
PH is waiting for the last package to arrive to complete our 1k Origami cranes and PH birds will be ready to fly to our Yoo Ah In!
Thats all folks! Congratulation everyone!
P.S : special thanks to the following coordinators :
- 1.YAIHaveners Manila (Philippines) – janjher@twitter (
- 2. YAIHaveners Indonesia –ailave@twitter (Email :
- 3. Malaysia – Wida Hidayah (email:
- 4. Thailand -bluesherbet103@twitter
- 5. US – Email: twitter: tinysunbl
- 6. China-Mathed2001@twitter
- 7. Korea-Ancientkingdom (
- 8. Europe-Lapsus (Email : & Twitter : RedsEmergence)
And to all who participate & join the fun in folding those cranes! Thank you, it was fun! For those who’s unable to join this time, till next time! Haveners Fighting! All for one, one for All!
And what would be our Young Master Sik reaction? …
Our young master is HAPPY!
and said WELL DONE! ^_^
Credit to P’ Momma KitsumeMD ^___________^
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